Thursday, February 27, 2014

New cousin

Last night we got to meet an anxiously  awaited for cousin! He's actually the first one on the Maynard's side. The children were very excited to finially get to meet him, cause he was over two weeks late!  He seems like such a good laid back, content little boy....And he's such a cutie too!! Congrats Tim and Hannah....

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Valentines Day

A couple days ago the girls got a package in the mail from cousins. To say the least, they were estatic about their hearts... That's why the pictures are blurry. Thank you Ella and Suzanna for the hearts, they are greatly loved :-)

Aerial view

Justin got some aerial pictures of our house Monday night....and on his last flight up, something went wrong with his controls and he crashed his plane, pretty much beyond repair! But amazingly enough, his go-pro camera made it out, unharmed! Praise The Lord.

Dinner at the Maxson's

Sunday evening we went over to Kim and Bens house to enjoy fellowship and dinner. They had another family from church over as well.....All 18 children really enjoyed each others company and played very well together!

Harvest fundraiser

Last Thursday night, Justin and I were able to go to a harvest fundraiser.... The speaker was a Christian Muslim, who spoke about the importance of witnessing to Muslims. His ministry is teaching people how to witness to the Muslims. What he said was very good!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Sleepy Baby

Our precious little boy skipped his afternoon nap, so fell asleep on the way to town..... We love this little man so much. It's hard to believe he was so horried the first four months of life, cause he's such a good baby now!!

Florida weather

Crazy Florida weather. Valentines day it was so cold out, our pipes froze!

Our Valentines day

We celebrated valentines day on Saturday, which turned out to be a wonderful time together.....we were able to run several errands and enjoy one on one time, as well as eat out without having to endure extremely long wait time for lunch ( apparently the 14th, people were having to wait 3.5 hrs to be served...CRAZY) 

Pony rides....

The children have a friend who's birthday is on valentines day! So they were very excited to be invited to help celebrate her birthday at a pony farm. The party was on the 13th and It was really cold that morning, but it didn't seem to dampen the kids excitement or fun! There was lots of brushing and loving on the ponies, as well as carriage rides,  pony rides and cupcakes!! The kids had a blast and even Savannah, who initially declared she wouldn't ride the ponies, actually warmed up to them and even rode and everything!  The ponies were extremely gentle and behaved very well, actually I was shocked that they endured so much abuse without any reaction or annoyance to the children! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Look who's gonna be a.....

BIG brother in July! And yep, he's already getting practice poking eyes out and all the fun stuff u get to try to do to new baby brother. Felicity likes to make him hold her baby for practice, and he's actually very sweet most of the time!



Misc. Pictures...

Felicity just recently lost one of her top front teeth...
Savannah was so excited to show me that she can snap baby clothes now.....This child is way to grown up acting, and is still only two!