Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Thanks to Erica and Leah, I now can make my own "Homemade" McDonald's caramel's really good too!!

Savannah, holding her buddy (as she says :-)

Hudson and me hanging out at our yard sale last week!

Our flocks out by our fence

These two boys are always wanting to help/watch whenever I'm in the kitchen....

The kids Lego house they made recently..

"I hold Hudson"....never a lack of willing baby holders....

Sorry this pictures blurry, but had to share cause he looked so cute!

Felicitys fire truck (pictures are taken and sent to Daddy, incase the CREATION doesn't make it until he gets home)

Hudson 5 months

Hard to believe our little mans five months already. We love our baby SO much, and can't imagine life without him.

He's getting so big..... A couple weeks ago he weighed 19.5lbs. He loves to jabber/talk, chew on his hands and rolls over, but his favorite thing is his jumperoo!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Hudson turns 4 months

This post is extremely late... Almost a month late, but who's counting :-)  Hudson is such a smiley boy and seems to always have his fingers in his mouth! He weighed 18 lbs 4oz

Mother's Day

I am so thankful for my children who made me a mother.....without them, I wouldn't be a mother.

I think being a mother is one of the hardest jobs out there, but it is also one of the most rewarding jobs ever too! 

I love each one of my children so much.....Each of their weaknesses, their strengths.  What makes them laugh, and cry......At the end of most days I'm so exhausted, but I wouldn't trade my job for anything in this world! 

I love being a wife, and mother......

Justin and the kids took me to Cedar Keys on Mother's Day..... We had a picnic (Pizzahut) dinner and then walked the beach.....It was so beautiful!


Christian turns 6

We are so thankful for Christian, that he's apart of our family! 

Christian will seriously talk your ear off and the more excited he is about something, the more he stutters!!

He was very happy to get a bug catcher for his birthday (not sure mom was though) and couldn't wait to find his first victim :-)


Three weeks ago we got to enjoy a relaxing boat ride with Grandparents and Aunts 'n Uncle Dan- nell. 

We boated around for like three hours and had such a great time, and we even got to see a group of manatee and Dolphins! 

Christian really wanted to see a gator, but Leah only saw a live one everyone else only got to see a dead one..... Course he kept insisting that he saw a gator (dead wood floating in the water)! 

Even Hudson enjoyed the boat ride and was such a good boy!