Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Girls in White Dresses....

I just couldn't resist..... I was making up some pancakes and these two wanted to help. I thought they looked too cute standing on their chairs. Felicity had gotten one so that she could reach, so of course Savannah had to copy!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Krispy Kreme doughnuts!

The kids woke up this morning to find that Uncle Matt and Aunt Frances brought these hats by for them last night..... and fresh doughnuts, yum! They loved wearing the hats and even wanted Jonathan to enjoy the fun. And as you can see the doughnuts were a huge hit too!


The phlox were so beautiful this weekend that after church we went and got the kids pictures with them...... Justin did an awesome job at taking them! I especially love the butterfly one.

Wild Hog Canoe Race!

Saturday started very early for some........Justin left the house at 6:30am! It was a very busy day for all the volunteers, but everything got done and the day turned out to be a great success! The kids and I got to the finish line around 10:30 and waited for the fun to begin, for the boats to start paddling in.....             

Felicity and Christian enjoyed a pony ride, while Savannah just watched cause she was too scared to get on!

I was supposed to be getting all these pictures of the racers, but with trying to watch my kids and keep a very fussy Jonathan happy, this is the only picture I got of the boaters coming in. Their boat was sinking as it was crossing the finish line, someone said it had a hole in it!..... 
Andrew keeping the score with Samuel and Josh hanging out (Justin was helping do the score too, just wasn't there at the time)! They ended up raising a lot of money for LARC and lots of people won prizes, Becky and Joe won a couple things and Josh won a brand new chainsaw, go Josh! And of course we won absolutely nothing, but we weren't really trying to either.

 I got this picture of Samuel for Becky, she was off doing something and the next thing we know is that hes got someones drink and is drinking it, very gross i know!......

Jonathan spending time with Grandma Mary.....

My kids hardly ever get sweets, but today I was passing out cookies to them and Becky's kids (I'm such a sweet Aunt) and I let them have "pig" cupcakes that Aunt Erica and Leah made, which they loved!......


We left our house a little after 9, and spent the whole day helping get ready for the canoe race! It was a lot of work for the guys mostly. They did everything from weed whacking to setting up tables and chairs to killing a snake to doing electrical work. Justin didn't end up getting home till 1am.... It was a really long day, but enjoyed getting see Daddy the whole day!.......

We got to watch them place the logs in the river for the race.
Daniel put a lot of time and energy into preparing the trophies, and Evan Feldman helped too!

Christian was Daddy's shadow for the day, following him wherever he went!

Savannah taking it upon herself to help Mommy keep Jonathan quiet! That mostly consists of putting his paci in and holding it very firmly in his mouth (poor Jonathan)!

Savannah kept picking stuff off the ground and putting it in her mouth, gross!

Felicity wanted her picture with this "lovely" boar head!

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Crazy, I know! But I told the kids when Felicity finished school for the year, we'd start going swimming in the mornings...... So felicity finished on Tuesday and ever since then they've been begging to go! Well it wasn't extremely warm this morning so I made them wait till eleven to get in, but they all loved it and even Savannah got wet and played in the water, which is a big deal for her...... Felicity loved wearing those googles, even though they looked hilarious on her. And I'm not really sure the point of them in 6 inches of water!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bath Time!

This little man loves his bath in the kitchen sink. I just love his expressions....

The Park....

This morning Frances, Hannah and I met at the park. The kids always enjoy playing together and had a blast playing with the Walsh's sand toys.... Christian was hilarious, doing everything he could to hoard "his" little bucket. Even when he wasn't using it he was trying to keep it!...... Savannah was a little monkey, she was climbing all over stuff! I was really surprised at what she was doing cause she doesn't really climb like that at home...... Felicity was so proud that she made it up to the "Big" slide!