We left our house a little after 9, and spent the whole day helping get ready for the canoe race! It was a lot of work for the guys mostly. They did everything from weed whacking to setting up tables and chairs to killing a snake to doing electrical work. Justin didn't end up getting home till 1am.... It was a really long day, but enjoyed getting see Daddy the whole day!.......
We got to watch them place the logs in the river for the race.
Daniel put a lot of time and energy into preparing the trophies, and Evan Feldman helped too!
Christian was Daddy's shadow for the day, following him wherever he went!
Savannah taking it upon herself to help Mommy keep Jonathan quiet! That mostly consists of putting his paci in and holding it very firmly in his mouth (poor Jonathan)!
Savannah kept picking stuff off the ground and putting it in her mouth, gross!
Felicity wanted her picture with this "lovely" boar head!
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