Monday, August 5, 2013

Aunt Becky's visit....

Thursday Becky came over and spent the day with us. Christian was going around calling her Aunt Katie, I think cause that's what her kids were saying, and he just was confused. And Savannah went around saying BECKY, BECKY....... Oh well, it gave us something to laugh about!
    Samuel and Jonathan were matching, accidentally so of course we had to get pictures of them. Boy was that a chore, one would be looking and the other one wouldn't be. And Jonathan kept wanting to eat his foot.....
     While she was here we even got a swim in, here they all are, all lined up and ready to go. And I seriously took 50 pictures to get about three to turn out right! Caleb, Samuel and miss Savannah were the worst! 
     Thanks Becky for coming, the kids had a lot of fun..... And thank you for the beautiful balloons, Felicity loves them!


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