Thursday, September 19, 2013


In the last couple weeks we've had several unexpected blessings that I'd like to share about. Even though they are all at different levels of value, each one was truly a sweet blessing to us.
  The first was a cast iron skillet. We've wanted one for years, but because of the cost of them never bought one. Well a couple weeks ago, we were at someone's house for dinner, and we were all talking about the benefits of having one and the wife was like, here you can have this one! Wow, that was so surprising to just be given one, but am truly thankful for it and love using it.
  The second was a "New to us" stove! Our stove has been messing up since we've had it, the oven shutting off without warning and not accurate in temperature at all. We had actually talked about needing to replace it for awhile, but lacking funds have kept putting it off.... Well, at the LARC yard sale, there was a very nice smooth top stove, exactly what we had wanted.  So of course we got the stove and only had to pay $25 for what could of cost us several hundred dollars! What a huge answer to prayer...
  And the third thing was, being given cloth diapers! Two of my three potty trained children still have to wear a diaper when sleeping. And after considering the amount that it would save us each month, we decided to switch to cloth diapers for them... Well after placing an order with my sister for 6 diapers, I was told that someone had covered the cost of them for us. Wow, praise The Lord..... But I not only was given 6, but 23 diapers!  It just makes me smile at his goodness to us. Justin and I are so thankful for these blessing and enjoy sharing them with the children, letting them experience how The Lord can provide even in the "little" things.



  1. I rejoice with you! I am so happy about the big and little things God has provided for you all. Teresa

  2. What a blessing for you all! I am so happy for you!
