Friday, March 28, 2014

We finally got our fence painted!!

And No, we didn't paint it by hand! We actually were able to borrow Justin's uncles paint sprayer, which was a huge blessing. It not only saved a ton of time, but also used allot less paint.... Of course, the sprayer broke right before we were completely done, but oh well, We learned a good lesson through it all :-)

Look what I found!

Jonathan found this in the trash and was quite pleased with himself.....Yes,  I know very disgusting!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

One, two and three....

For three months every year, these guys will only be a year apart 1, 2 and 3! Not many people have this combination, so I thought we should definitely get pictures of how old we are..... Next I'll have twins for 2 1/2 weeks!! ( BTW, Jonathan wasn't to happy he had to keep his number so y'all could read it, he much preferred to do other things with it).

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Look who's......

WALKING!!! Jonathan has officially started walking, and has been for about a week and a half now. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


The other day the kids got to hold their new cousin for the first time, and of course they loved every minute of it! 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Civil War Reenactment

     Saturday we went to the civil war reenactment in our town, this was the first year that our town hosted it! We all really enjoyed it, but definitely weren't prepared for the hot sunny day we had. On Sunday several people asked us if we had been to the beach the day before, to say it mildly....we baked!

    Justin and I ate lunch there, but we won't do that again! It not only cost a small fortune, it taste horrid.... The dough looking thing was a fried pork sandwich!

   He tried on a hat for both sides, as well as a Daniel Boone hat :-)

        Taking a train ride....

    Christian enjoyed spending some time with Gabriel.

    Getting his picture taken with the sheriff of the time period....

 Savannah on her own posed like this....

       Kirby farms real civil war train....

 Jonathan and I trying to stay out of the sun.....the umbrella didn't work very well.

      Christian really getting into the battle.....he was fighting for the right side too :-) ****before and after the battle, he was only allowed to shoot squirrels****

Monday, March 3, 2014

MFI family day....

Saturday we had the privilege of going to "Missionary Flights International" family fun day.....We really enjoyed getting to see and spend some time with Ryan and Joy, who work for MFI, while down there. I think the kids favorite activities were, getting to fly in the DC-3, jumping in the bouncy house and watching two crash dummy's fall out of a simulator cause they weren't wearing their seatbelts!