Monday, March 10, 2014

Civil War Reenactment

     Saturday we went to the civil war reenactment in our town, this was the first year that our town hosted it! We all really enjoyed it, but definitely weren't prepared for the hot sunny day we had. On Sunday several people asked us if we had been to the beach the day before, to say it mildly....we baked!

    Justin and I ate lunch there, but we won't do that again! It not only cost a small fortune, it taste horrid.... The dough looking thing was a fried pork sandwich!

   He tried on a hat for both sides, as well as a Daniel Boone hat :-)

        Taking a train ride....

    Christian enjoyed spending some time with Gabriel.

    Getting his picture taken with the sheriff of the time period....

 Savannah on her own posed like this....

       Kirby farms real civil war train....

 Jonathan and I trying to stay out of the sun.....the umbrella didn't work very well.

      Christian really getting into the battle.....he was fighting for the right side too :-) ****before and after the battle, he was only allowed to shoot squirrels****


  1. Loved all the pictures! Go Christian go ;) I am still feeling the affects of the sun:(. I'm so glad Samuel & Jedidiah did not burn!!

  2. I never thought my own son would fight against the South ;)
