Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Our Precious James

On Monday we had to bring James in to the pediatrician to check on his breathing. He has struggled ever since he was born, but he starting having reflux issues and it amplified his breathing problem.
When he got upset, his lips were turning blue and his chest was sinking in real bad trying to breathe. We decided to take him in on Monday morning to get checked again (we had him looked at when he was circumcised and they said it was fairly common) and after the Dr looked at him he sent us to the ER at Shands.
He has had a lot of tests run over the past 2 days, and they have determined the problem is severe enough that it need surgery. So he is scheduled to have surgery on Thursday at 4pm. Please pray all goes well and for a quick recovery. It should only last an hour or two and then they will monitor him at least 24 hours afterwards to make sure he is breathing on his own ok,

James's first smile was in the hospital!

Friday, July 25, 2014


There's more than one way to play....... Christian and Felicity were playing dominoes this morning, stacking them and having them fall over, and felicity decided to write their names with em (sorry that the lighting is poor quality... My phone:-(). Pretty creative, I thought!

Little Monkeys...

I got these pictures of the children all matching the other day......
Felicity almost 7yrs
Christian 4yrs
Savannah 3yrs
Jonathan 18months
James 2 weeks old


Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Last Saturday we took the kids to blue springs for an hour.... The mornings the best time to go, there's hardly anybody that comes then! The kids really enjoy swimming, and felicity loves jumping off the dock.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Catching up

These are some beautiful flowers Justin got me after James was born.....

Jonathan loving on James. He loves to hold him and tightly might I add :-)

Matt and Fran stopped by to meet James... Weston looks so grown up now!

Justin also got a balloon to put outside...

Savannah nursing her baby while mommy feeds James!
Jonathan likes to touch his face too....

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

First bath

James first bath.... And of course he didn't like it, even though it was just a sponge bath! After his bath he was peeling like crazy, even his head and ears... weird I know! 
   On a side note for weird, before he was five days old, I had already clipped his fingers twice! 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

James Elliot Maynard

     James has arrived, safe and sound... We are so thankful to The Lord, for his mercy and provision, giving me the desires of my heart.
     James was born on July 10th, at 4:59am. He weighed 9lbs 1oz and was 21 3/4 inches long.
      Thank you for all your prayers....

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


   So my very sweet friend took me out last night for a pedicure. Becky, Hannah and I all met at the mall to enjoy some food and fellowship.... and some awkward moments!! I don't know about anyone else, but I think it's weird having a guy giving you a pedicure!  But it was nice to get out and have my toes done for me :-)

July 6th

   On the 6th, we went to mom and dads to help celebrate Becky's birthday, it was a nice distraction for me! Jedidiah was being so sweet, he kept wanting me to hold him.... He reminds me so much of Caleb.

Monday, July 7, 2014

July 4th

 We went to Kim and Bens to celebrate the 4th.... The kids enjoyed a truck ride and slip-n-sliding down the hill (the guys enjoyed it too :-). Felicity did manage to find a cactus to step on and get the needles all over her foot and hand! 
   That night we went and enjoyed Ocala's fireworks, and thanks to Nate Maxson, Justin was able to get his camera working/figured out and get some awesome pictures that night!

Williston Parade

     Williston always celebrates the forth on the 3rd of July, parade and fireworks that is.... All the kids had a blast getting candy, and were getting very bold, by the end of the parade they were practically in the middle of the street, all trying to get some candy!! There was allot of competition though, there was between 20-30 kids in our group all wanting the same thing, CANDY!! 
   Savannah was pretty funny to watch, she was seriously way to "blond" to get any, I think she actually managed to get a grand total of like 3 pieces in the hour long ordeal! It was really hot, but the kids had allot of fun spending time with everyone.
      Not to long after the parade ended, a storm rolled in and ended up canceling the fireworks that night, even though we did sit in our car and wait till after 9:30pm to make sure....the kids enjoyed it though, they had glow sticks/bracelets that they were thoroughly enjoying, not to mention the jellybeans from the parade!!!