Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Our Precious James

On Monday we had to bring James in to the pediatrician to check on his breathing. He has struggled ever since he was born, but he starting having reflux issues and it amplified his breathing problem.
When he got upset, his lips were turning blue and his chest was sinking in real bad trying to breathe. We decided to take him in on Monday morning to get checked again (we had him looked at when he was circumcised and they said it was fairly common) and after the Dr looked at him he sent us to the ER at Shands.
He has had a lot of tests run over the past 2 days, and they have determined the problem is severe enough that it need surgery. So he is scheduled to have surgery on Thursday at 4pm. Please pray all goes well and for a quick recovery. It should only last an hour or two and then they will monitor him at least 24 hours afterwards to make sure he is breathing on his own ok,

James's first smile was in the hospital!


  1. We are praying for him and all of you. We love y'all!

  2. We will be praying for you and Justin, Katie! You both have been such a blessing to our family! Loves to little James:)


  3. Praying everything went well!
