So on Thursday James had his surgery. It lasted over 2 hours and everything went great. We are thankful to The Lord for allowing the surgery to be a success and that there were no complications!
Recovery has been a little challenging since his throat is still very sore from the respirator and surgery, which makes him very fussy while he eats or coughs. His heart results came back clear for the most part, he has a hole in between two chambers of his heart, and he has a larger than normal main vein leaving his heart, but nothing of major concern.
His only lingering issue is the fact he has problems swallowing his food without some going into his lungs. He had a swallow test done and after thickening his milk and laying him on his side to eat it has improved as quite a bit. We just have to be extra careful the next few weeks to keep him from getting pneumonia. If all goes as planned we should be discharged on Sunday (Lord willing!)
James and his favorite nurse Savannah at his swallow test.
Getting ready for surgery in pre-op
Surgical team coming to get our little man
Getting breathing treatment just after surgery
AND we officially took up coffee drinking thanks to no sleep...4 creamers and 4 sugars for every half cup...tastes great!
The kids came up to see James (and mommy and daddy). Jonathan was being...a brat!
Having his EKG done.