Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Justin's Birthday

Justin turned 29 yesterday!! So, thanks to my mom being willing to babysit the kids, James and I were able to take Justin out for a nice evening together. We ate at his favorite restaurant, the Outback Steak House.... It's the blooming onions!! 

    And then we went and played a game of bowling.... I seriously stunk in the beginning, but ended up beating the birthday boy in the end, sorry sugar :-) But in his defense, the game shut off towards the end and he lost a turn, so he would have really beat me! 
         James was a very good boy the whole time.... Love his "BuG EyEs"!! Whenever we bring him into a dark room he does that.


  1. Looks like fun! Happy Birthday to Justin!

  2. Thanks! That is pretty much the worst bowling score ever I think. :-/

  3. Looks like y'all had a good time and that food looks yummy!

  4. Food looks splendid! And bowling looks fun!
