Tuesday, December 16, 2014


The end of November, beginning of December has brought a lot of sickness and unusual happenings in our family....

It started with Justin having to take me to the ER, with a severe Gallstone attach.... We've decided that most people must die in the waiting room while waiting to be seen!

Two months ago I honestly didn't even know where my gallbladder was, but I now know exactly where it is or was, I should say!

When James was about 12 weeks old I started having these "attaches",  that started happening about once a week, in the middle of the night. The first time it happened, I thought I had done to many sit ups, but then about a week later it happened again.....

It wasn't till the fourth "attach" that we actually figured out what was going on, though it had crossed my mind that, due to the extreme pain I would have, that it could be gallstones, kidney stones or appendix etc.

After the fourth attach I was convinced it was gallstones, due to location of pain and symptoms! Justin and I fervently asked God to take the pain/ episodes away, which He did for a month. But then after Thanksgiving the attachs came back with greater intensity!

After our ER visit, they scheduled and removed my gallbladder Dec 2nd..... That very Day, Justin came down with a horrible flu and by the next day, all five kids had it as well! 

Jonathan ready a training magazine, getting pointers on how to behave....

In the ER all night....they finally had to give me morphine just to take the pain away (nothing else was working)...... (And I'm not sleeping, It's called "pain management")

Appointment and Pre -OP....

James worst diaper yet, he was covered from his shoulders to his feet.....(the picture doesn't do it justice)! 


  1. Ugh, so sorry about all the sickness! I hope you're feeling better and recovering well!
