Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Choo choo!!

Sunday evening, on our way back from Caleb's party, we got to see a train en route. It was only going about 30 mph, but it sure seemed faster up close! We had initially just stopped on the side of the road so the kids could see and hear it. After we were driving again, felicity asked why it didn't go "choo choo", so we explained to her that they only do it when crossing an intersection. Well after we got good enough ahead of the train, Justin pulled over and got the kids out so they could really experience a moving train! Lets just say, I don't have to worry about them getting to close to a moving train! Savannah was pretty much in tears, and Christian kept saying " I don't like that".....

1 comment:

  1. So cute how Christian is covering his ears. Savannah sounds absolutely fun and adorable! :)
