Friday, June 21, 2013

Thunder storm...

Last night we had an awesome thunder storm...... We were planning on having a yard sale Friday and Saturday, and I was getting a little worried with the storm Thursday night. We prayed specifically that it wouldn't rain Friday till 4pm, and actually prayed that it would be sunny, even though the weather said 40%-60% chance of rain. God is so good! He not only answered our prayer but gave us more, just because...... So I look like a lobster, due to the beautiful sunny day we had AND it didn't start raining here till after 5pm! I just have to smile at His Goodness to us, even in the "little details"  of our life.

1 comment:

  1. Scary looking clouds. That's so great the Lord held off the rain for y'all. I hope the yard sale was successful.
