Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Church picnic

Saturday was our church picnic, which everyone always loves. It's a time where we can all get together and enjoy fun, fellowship and lots of good food! This year I helped entertain the 3-6 year olds. We had a lot of fun coloring, playing and running around..... It's always fun trying to keep everyone busy. There were 25 in that age group, well except for two, Savannah and Samuel were under 3!  Wow, I was just thinking about it, The Lord has richly blessed our church to have that many little lives that we have been given to influence in righteousness!


The older boys playing basketball together.....football was next!

Ben filling buckets up for a water game...

All the little girls..... Plus one or so!

And the boys....with some girls mixed in! I actually think they were pretty evenly matched, boys and girls.

Some fellowshipping going on....

While I was helping with the little ones Justin watched Jonathan for me, which was a huge help....I'm thankful God doesn't give us all our children at once, only by one or two at a time! I won't lie, it was hard to make sure all those children stayed in the group and didn't wander off. But it was also fun watching them, the older ones offering to help the younger ones. The girls being girlie, playing with each others hair and motherly towards others. While the boys were being, well, just plain BOYS!

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