Friday, October 4, 2013


Earlier this week, all the kids enjoyed cooking together....notice Savannah's chair is an empty box! Sorry for the blurriness, I couldn't get them to stay still long enough for my camera phone to focus, but I didn't want to miss out on how cute they all looked...

Our farmers pig across the road from us, just had 11 piglets and one died, which savannah likes to remind us of, every time we see them ( multiple times in a row). I honestly don't know how they survive in their living conditions, a dirt hole baking in the sun all day and no shelter at all! They are kinda cute though...

Taking our SUV on a much needed drive around the block, Jonathan loved having the window open ( don't worry he's being held onto very tightly, mommy was a little worried about him too)......
This morning I met a friend at the park so our kids could enjoy some time together playing. They had fun and always love going to the park with others...... We took a little walk trying to get Jonathan to sleep for his morning nap, but with no success!

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